Turning To S.IP
Alhamdulillah, Big thanks to Allah. I passed my SKRIPSI examination without any obstacle. Rinda, my best friend since I entered university, always stand by me in every time I faced exam. How lucky am I to have you girl :) She not only my best friend but also my best teacher and she can be act like my mom. When my SKRIPSI examination will be started, she took Dua for me. Ya Allah, I hope YOU give the easier way for her to did her SKRIPSI. In this studying program, I was the second student who took this examination faster than the others. I can't reached my succesful without my bestfriend arround me who always gave support and Dua for me. They support me when I felt down. Guys, I had wrote in the last post that 2 days before I took exam, I was sick. But my friend said that NILA you can do that. MaşaAllah, they were so care to me either they have same mission like me. So proud, and very LUCKY to have you guys. Thanks for your caring, love, and your gift to me. Im so Happy today. Yo...